Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Okay I have a big secret to tell.....

Okay so it has been a while since I last got up here and posted my life on this place. And I am not sure if anybody really reads this but my family, however, for those of you that are hard core enough to read this, here is an update.

So believe it or not, I am engaged! Yes I know that this will come to a lot of people as a shock, but hey, what do to. So I know that most of you have thought that for the last couple of years I have been single and not been really dating anyone special. Well that is not true. I have been dating someone for over a year now, and we are now engaged.

She is a girl that I met while on my mission, and got the feelings that I should date her. So I have been, and in July I finally popped the question. I can honestly say that she has been the best choice I have every made up to this point in my life. And I get the strong feeling that she will be the best one I ever make.

She is a wonderful girl, and the best part about her is that she loves me, which is a big relief for me let me tell you. While she is not a math lover like me, she still lets me be my mathy self, and keeps my in line. Which is one thing that I really needed. She also tells it like it is, I hate fluffy people. She is also super artistically talented, a thing that I truly lack.She is also very giving and kind to people. And hates to follow the crowd.

I think many of you would want to know how I proposed so here it is. We where in Penang Malaysia, and we were walking down the beach. Well I told her how I felt about her, you know all that mushy, lovey, dovey stuff. And then knelt down in the surf and asked her to marry me. She took a few seconds to answer me, and those where the longest seconds of my life, and then she said yes. I then jumped up, and kisses and hugged her very tightly.

So there you go that is the story. One day soon this blog will give way to a couple blog, maybe eastmeetswest.blogspot?? What do you think?