Friday, August 1, 2014

Big Data

"Clifford, what do you exactly do you do/study"?

"Oh, well I work with big data".

"Really, what does that mean"?

"It means that I use very large sets of data to build statistical/mathematical models to check for trends, look at probabilities...."

This question has been posed to me many times since I first started to dedicate my life to the exciting world of big data. I love to share with people what it is exactly what it is that I do, but I often get the feeling that most people really don't fully grasp what it is that I do. However, when I start to explain that I use math to make predictive models, I see peoples eyes glass over with a "Wow this guy must be some kind of genius". While I would love to be able to make the claim that I am some kind of Steven Hawking, I am just your average math lover.

Ever since I was a little kid, math has been one of the very few things in life that has made any sense. To this day I still struggle deeply with grammar and spelling, if it was not for spell check I would be in deep trouble. However, math has always been a subject that has been my guiding light in the world of academia.Which is why I got my degree in Actuarial Science (Business Mathematics and Statistics).

Now that you understand why is it I do what I do, let me further explain what it is that I do. I actually work for The Kroger Company, they are one of the nations largest "traditional" grocery store chains. The department that I work for, focuses on trying to improve the shopping process, and the team that I work for specifically works on trying to make your check-out experience quick, smooth, and painless. I am the analyst on my team, so that means that I get to be the one that gets to have the real fun, no matter what anyone else thinks or says.

How does this all relate to big data? Big data is simply just a name that has come about to identify all the data that companies these days collect on their customers. This data is things like buying trends, shopping trends, favorite items, etc, etc. People like myself, who have spent many hours learning how to handle this amount of data, help companies understand what it is that their data is telling them. I use various computer software to help "mine" through the data. Once I have identified the type of data that I want, I then build a statistical/mathematical model that helps me to understand what the data is telling me. Often the size of the data that I am working with numbers in the millions of observations. My largest data set to date has been in excess of 13 million unique observations.

One thing you should know about big data is that it takes lots of time and patients. When I work with a set of data that is larger of about a million observations, my computer really slows down and has a very hard time working with that much data. In addition to that, you also have to be willing to go down one path, realize that all the work that you have done up to that point is wrong, and start over. I have done this more times then I care to admit. But in the end, with lots of hard work and time I am able to understand the story that the data is telling me.

So there you have it, what it is that I actually do. Yes, it is really nerdy, but I love it. And no I really am not that smart, I just really like what I do.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Letter To Mac Users

Dear Mac Users

 I am really glad that you got a Mac computer. I know how cool you think you are because you stood in line for 3 days straight to get the newest Iphone/Ipad/Imac/Ipod. I am really glad that you only had to spend $200 more then I did to get your new device.

 Yes I know I am not hip and cool with my PC. I know that Apple products are where it's at right now. I have listened to you time and time again as you have told me how much better Macs are to PC, how having a Mac is great because you don't have to have antivirous, spy wear, etc, etc. I know that when you have a Mac you join the cool crowd and everyone thinks your cool.

I got into computers because I really like them, nothing to me is more fun then either doing a dual boot or a virtual machine so that I can run two different operating systems. I love how I can spend a few hours and figure out most issues on my computer. Or use some code to get the work done that I need to. It was this love that caused me to use a PC, or a Linux if I am really feeling like being adventurous and nerdy. You see a PC is great for doing things like this.

That all being sad, don't ask me to help you out with a MAC issue! Remember YOU chose the Mac because it was so much better then a PC. YOU chose to spend that extra money to get something that was cool. YOU chose a Mac because it was "easier" to use then a PC. YOU chose a Mac because it would allow you to be more artistic. So shouldn't YOU chose to learn how to actually use your Mac?

So no, I don't know how to download songs to your ITunes, I don't know how to get said download onto your Iphone/Ipad/Ipod, I don't know why you can't make a graph/picture larger in your word processor so that your boss can actually understand your report, I can't help you get your Apple TV to connect with your Wi-Fi network, and I don't know why it is that you cannot run any of the great programs that I have on your Mac.

When you finally realize that you have just paid over $200 more just to be able to be cool, and decide it is time to get a real computing device, I will be waiting and happy to show you how to make your machine as cool as mine.

Kindest Regards

A Computer Nerd

Sunday, July 3, 2011

What they don't show you in the movies

My entire life I have been a really big fan of romantic comedy movies. I don't know why, I just do. I find them enjoyable and they make you excited for your time when you actually get to find your own partner for life. Thankfully the time has come in my own life, that I have found my own special someone that I want to be with forever and ever.

Yet there is one thing that they never seem to show you in movies, the things that matter the most, and as I have been in my relationship for a while now, I am starting to see what is truly important in a relationship.

What really matters is how you two view each other. Are you seeing your partner as equal? Are you making sure to put their needs in front of your needs? What is it that you want the most out of your relationship, the others happiness or your own?

There is something else that is important also, that is how you both feel and view about everything. What are your feelings about God and family? What about Gays? Temple Worship? And what about a family?

All these things are of the most worth in a relationship.

It seems like every time that me and Lian talk I learn just how similar that we really are. Most recently we have been talking a lot about gays, one of our close friends has just told us that he is gay. And it seems like we both feel the exact same way about them and how we deal with them.

And that is what they don't teach you in the movies. It is not about rolling around in between the bed sheets, or all those feelings that come from when you first start to like someone. It is about sharing the same beliefs and wanting the same thing. About know the person as well as you know yourself. About putting their needs and wants ahead of your own. Being willing to stay up all night and talk to them and comfort them because they are feeling down about themselves or something that happened to them.

That is true love, and that is what you don't learn in movies!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Fiancee has skills

One of the nice things about marring someone is that they will often have talents and skills that you lack, yet you want to be part of my family. In my case there is no exception. Lian is a very talented person when it comes to the fine arts department. Now my skills in that department are next to none, thankfully Lian more then makes up for it with hers.
Lian is one of the very few people that I know that can actually play Classical Guitar, now to make that even better, she happens to be the only female I know of that plays it. And as it turns out, she is one of the very few females that she knows that does also, turns out it is a very male dominate field.
She is also a very talented singer. In fact on her mission, her and one of her companions made a CD of them singing the church hymns, while Lian was playing on her guitar.
And even this is not enough for my little Malaysian Bat, she was given a nice Cello and wants to learn how to play that. Adding yet another of her many music talents to our family. So Mom in the end you finally got your music player, you just had to get it through marriage.
Now not only is she a great musician, she is also a very talented artist. She has painting skills that I can only dream of. In fact on my first trip there I was trying to help her paint some hand outs for the primary kids in her branch, and lets just say that is was very obvious of which ones I had painted verses her. Poor kids.
She is also a wonderful amateur photographer. Her pictures are some of the best that I have ever seen. What adds even more to her photos is the fact that her camera is not one of the top models in the world. In fact, from what she tells me, it is actually a very simple model, and that the shutter speed is slow and the lenses is not all that good of quality. However, you would not think that at all if you look at her photos. She just takes such wonderful pictures, that you think, dang I want her to do my wedding:).
Finally I think the best part about all her talents, is that for some reason in the end, she still loves me, even when I drive her nuts by nut fully appreciating all the many talents that she has. As I have said from the beginning I am a very science minded man, the fine arts are the great mysteries of the world. It is because of this view that I have not spent nearly enough time in my life devoted to learning more about them. And sadly it has done me no good. I lack the ability to see all the artist work that Lian often puts into things. I somehow always seem to find the one picture in the entire album that she is not proud of, and think it is the best photo ever. While the ones that she is most proud of I think are her worse, sorry Lian. But that is because I am lacking to much in those departments, not her.
She has more talent for the fine arts in her one little pinky toe then I have in all of my 6'3" 250lbs frame. I am very thankful that she loves me, I am very thankful that she puts up with me so much. I know that I can be very hard at times to put up with, and it means the world to me when I have someone that will stand by me, not matter how doinky I become.

In the end, I love you Lian, and I want to be with you forever. I know I drive you nuts, and am not the best at times, but I always love you and your many talents.

Now just so that all of you can see what I am talking about. Here is a link to one of the songs that she and her companion, Sister Olsen did. Lian is the one playing the guitar. Now you all get to see the wonderful talent that my Little Malaysian Bat has:).

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Okay so this blog post is going to be all about the magic drink that is known as coke. Now I know what most of you are thinking that coke is really not the best drink out there for you. And for the most part I would have to agree with you on that. However, let me tell you why I think it is magical.

So for the most part I do not really drink coke all that much. I find it to be not something that I am really fond of and the taste is not really to my liking, I prefer a nice Root Beer instead. But that all changes when I head overseas.

So many of you have heard the old story that if you leave like a piece of meat in coke over night and then check in on it the next day, the meat will have been dissolved. This is 100% true, coke contains some very powerful ingredients that will take out a lot of things, but this is why I love coke so much when I am overseas.

So one of the first things you need to know about traveling abroad is that you will get food poisoning at least once in your life, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, it just will happen. I am afraid that our American food system is really good, and most other countries do not always have the same standards for their foods. So in the end, you will be spending a night in some bathroom wishing that the food would just get the heck out and you no longer have to fell so bad. For me a trip outside of the States is not complete without getting food poising at least once.

But back to the topic, coke should always be you drink of choice outside of the states. Remember all those things I said about it and how it was powerful, well that will prevent you from ever getting anything. Well hopefully. I know that for me this Christmas I was once again in Malaysia visiting the Fiancee and I made sure to drink twice as much coke this time, and I didn't get sick at all!!

So there is your 411, make sure to have a coke a day, it keeps the toilet away!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Okay, so I am not really sure if anyone but my Mother and my Fiance even bother to follow this blog, and for that I really don't blame anyone for not. I mean of all the blogs out there of people just rambling on and on about what is going on in their lives, why read another? Oh well, for those hard core enough to follow my blog, this is a post for you.

So over the past few months I have been in Clarkson University, trying to earn my Mechanical Engineering degree, and it has been a very interesting semester. So First off I have been in the apartment from heck, it feels like. So the floor in it slopes in towards the center of the apartment, so no matter what room you are in, it feels like you are falling into the center.

Now I know people that don't have heat, and I feel for you, but sad to say my place has too much heat, in fact if I don't open a window it will often get to be around 80 degrees in my place. So needless to say I am very much looking forward to not roasting in my house every night.

Then to top all things off, I live in "downtown" Potsdam, so that means that Wednesday through Saturday night, all I get to hear is all the wonderfully underage kids out getting as drunk as they can, and then yelling at each other when they come out.

Which brings up a great point of how much underage drinking there really is going on here. So of course when the parents come, we give the the whole routine, no we don't allow underage drinking, we have strongly enforce the no underage drinking, and also punish the kids that supply the drinks to the kids that are underage... you know the deal. However, I have never seen a school so lacking in guts as Clarkson when it comes to drinking. Here is there great stiff punishment, a stupid seminar about the dangers of underage drinking, and drinking as a whole. But get this it gets even better. That my be just too stiff of a punishment, so what they do is have you create posters about it, because I mean that is soo hard to do, the average poster will take you a whole 15 minutes to put together, and because it is not graded at all, who cares if it is worse then a Haden Christian movie?

Of course I mean I may just be over reacting, but to prove my point let me tell you the story of an upper class men who supplied underage kids with drinks, and got busted for it. Now in most places you would turn him over to the cops and let our justice system work. Of course Clarkson didn't want that type of bad press for their "wonderful" school, and decided that instead of that, they would just make him give a seminar about how suppling boos to underage kids is a crime.... you get the picture.

So I guess I should give my final thoughts on Clarkson. If you like a school that lacks any kind of moral fiber, or one that thinks they are a good school simply because their courses are hard, or if you like a school that has a almost 70% dropout rate, then I say Clarkson is the place for you, and don't worry about having to bring your own boos, we got a bar on campus to make sure you don't get drunk.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Knowing that you found the right one

I am finding out just how nice it is to know that you have found the right one to marry. It is such a good feeling, knowing that you have made the right choice and that your life together will be great.

My entire life I have wanted to find someone that would bring out the best in me. Also I have wanted to be with someone that saw my good points. I know that I do have bad points, tons of them, but being around someone that builds me up is so important. How doesn't want to be with someone that builds you up. And now I have found the one person that does that for me. Lian is so wonderful, she always builds me up, and makes me feel good. Whenever I am around her I feel like being so much better. Things that in the past would upset me, like being late for something and getting stuck in traffic, doesn't bother me at all. I just want to be better whenever I am around her.

It is so nice to finally be with someone that is right.