Sunday, December 5, 2010


Okay, so I am not really sure if anyone but my Mother and my Fiance even bother to follow this blog, and for that I really don't blame anyone for not. I mean of all the blogs out there of people just rambling on and on about what is going on in their lives, why read another? Oh well, for those hard core enough to follow my blog, this is a post for you.

So over the past few months I have been in Clarkson University, trying to earn my Mechanical Engineering degree, and it has been a very interesting semester. So First off I have been in the apartment from heck, it feels like. So the floor in it slopes in towards the center of the apartment, so no matter what room you are in, it feels like you are falling into the center.

Now I know people that don't have heat, and I feel for you, but sad to say my place has too much heat, in fact if I don't open a window it will often get to be around 80 degrees in my place. So needless to say I am very much looking forward to not roasting in my house every night.

Then to top all things off, I live in "downtown" Potsdam, so that means that Wednesday through Saturday night, all I get to hear is all the wonderfully underage kids out getting as drunk as they can, and then yelling at each other when they come out.

Which brings up a great point of how much underage drinking there really is going on here. So of course when the parents come, we give the the whole routine, no we don't allow underage drinking, we have strongly enforce the no underage drinking, and also punish the kids that supply the drinks to the kids that are underage... you know the deal. However, I have never seen a school so lacking in guts as Clarkson when it comes to drinking. Here is there great stiff punishment, a stupid seminar about the dangers of underage drinking, and drinking as a whole. But get this it gets even better. That my be just too stiff of a punishment, so what they do is have you create posters about it, because I mean that is soo hard to do, the average poster will take you a whole 15 minutes to put together, and because it is not graded at all, who cares if it is worse then a Haden Christian movie?

Of course I mean I may just be over reacting, but to prove my point let me tell you the story of an upper class men who supplied underage kids with drinks, and got busted for it. Now in most places you would turn him over to the cops and let our justice system work. Of course Clarkson didn't want that type of bad press for their "wonderful" school, and decided that instead of that, they would just make him give a seminar about how suppling boos to underage kids is a crime.... you get the picture.

So I guess I should give my final thoughts on Clarkson. If you like a school that lacks any kind of moral fiber, or one that thinks they are a good school simply because their courses are hard, or if you like a school that has a almost 70% dropout rate, then I say Clarkson is the place for you, and don't worry about having to bring your own boos, we got a bar on campus to make sure you don't get drunk.