Sunday, July 3, 2011

What they don't show you in the movies

My entire life I have been a really big fan of romantic comedy movies. I don't know why, I just do. I find them enjoyable and they make you excited for your time when you actually get to find your own partner for life. Thankfully the time has come in my own life, that I have found my own special someone that I want to be with forever and ever.

Yet there is one thing that they never seem to show you in movies, the things that matter the most, and as I have been in my relationship for a while now, I am starting to see what is truly important in a relationship.

What really matters is how you two view each other. Are you seeing your partner as equal? Are you making sure to put their needs in front of your needs? What is it that you want the most out of your relationship, the others happiness or your own?

There is something else that is important also, that is how you both feel and view about everything. What are your feelings about God and family? What about Gays? Temple Worship? And what about a family?

All these things are of the most worth in a relationship.

It seems like every time that me and Lian talk I learn just how similar that we really are. Most recently we have been talking a lot about gays, one of our close friends has just told us that he is gay. And it seems like we both feel the exact same way about them and how we deal with them.

And that is what they don't teach you in the movies. It is not about rolling around in between the bed sheets, or all those feelings that come from when you first start to like someone. It is about sharing the same beliefs and wanting the same thing. About know the person as well as you know yourself. About putting their needs and wants ahead of your own. Being willing to stay up all night and talk to them and comfort them because they are feeling down about themselves or something that happened to them.

That is true love, and that is what you don't learn in movies!!