Monday, July 19, 2010

Back In Malaysia

Well so it might have been a while sense I posted my last blog post, and for all of you who actually look at this, I am sorry. It has been a couple of crazy weeks for me, lots of new adventure and travailing that has kept me up and out. But I need to let everyone know how I am doing, and let you get the new stories with my life.

Right now I am staying in a place called Kangar, Perlis. Which for all you none world geography experts, is in the norther part of West Malaysia. There really is not a whole lot up here, and no I haven't ever served here as a missionary, in fact, there is not church here in Kangar as the majority of the people are Islamic. So why do you ask I am up here, well that is really quite easy to explain. I am here because my host lives up here. Liew Hui Lian and Liew Anthony are two of the best members in the Kuala Lumpur area, and they are letting me stay with them while I am here. And I am very thankful for them to let me come here and stay with them. The only down part to this all is that Kangar is the hottest place in all of Malaysia, the hottest day ever was 40+ degrees centigrade, which is over 100F. And sadly there is no Air con here, so I am finding that I will no longer complain about how hot New York summer is.

But beside that heat, I have found Kangar to be a wonderful place. It is a really small town so there may not be a whole lot to do every day, but it is nice. I mean the pace is so laid back, I often find myself just being able to relax and enjoy the time that I have here.

Thankfully, however, I have also been able to go back to Penang, which was my very first area on my mission. That was super amazing. I had forgotten just how much I loved and missed that place. It is such a beautiful place to be at. It has some of the best beaches that I have ever seen, and it is modern enough that you can feel safe.

Now while the Island is just plain awesome, it is nothing compared to the members of Penang Branch. There are not many of them, only about 60 that are coming every week, but yet they are super strong and just amazing. I was quite surprised to see just how many of the remember me and were happy that I was back.

I was most excited to see that Daniel Ng remembered me. He was such a good member and a great help to all of us missionaries. I remember that for his birthday, the missionaries, took him out to Soul Garden for dinner. that was really fun. He is such a good guy and soo humble. To tell you the truth I would trade half of my branches elders quorum just to have on of him in it. Hmmm I wonder if the church would allow that?

So yes being back here in Malaysia is wonderful and I am looking forward to having many wonderful adventures before I go home. I have gotten to drive on the left side of the road while I have been here, so that was fun. Look for more adventures to come.

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