Sunday, December 5, 2010


Okay, so I am not really sure if anyone but my Mother and my Fiance even bother to follow this blog, and for that I really don't blame anyone for not. I mean of all the blogs out there of people just rambling on and on about what is going on in their lives, why read another? Oh well, for those hard core enough to follow my blog, this is a post for you.

So over the past few months I have been in Clarkson University, trying to earn my Mechanical Engineering degree, and it has been a very interesting semester. So First off I have been in the apartment from heck, it feels like. So the floor in it slopes in towards the center of the apartment, so no matter what room you are in, it feels like you are falling into the center.

Now I know people that don't have heat, and I feel for you, but sad to say my place has too much heat, in fact if I don't open a window it will often get to be around 80 degrees in my place. So needless to say I am very much looking forward to not roasting in my house every night.

Then to top all things off, I live in "downtown" Potsdam, so that means that Wednesday through Saturday night, all I get to hear is all the wonderfully underage kids out getting as drunk as they can, and then yelling at each other when they come out.

Which brings up a great point of how much underage drinking there really is going on here. So of course when the parents come, we give the the whole routine, no we don't allow underage drinking, we have strongly enforce the no underage drinking, and also punish the kids that supply the drinks to the kids that are underage... you know the deal. However, I have never seen a school so lacking in guts as Clarkson when it comes to drinking. Here is there great stiff punishment, a stupid seminar about the dangers of underage drinking, and drinking as a whole. But get this it gets even better. That my be just too stiff of a punishment, so what they do is have you create posters about it, because I mean that is soo hard to do, the average poster will take you a whole 15 minutes to put together, and because it is not graded at all, who cares if it is worse then a Haden Christian movie?

Of course I mean I may just be over reacting, but to prove my point let me tell you the story of an upper class men who supplied underage kids with drinks, and got busted for it. Now in most places you would turn him over to the cops and let our justice system work. Of course Clarkson didn't want that type of bad press for their "wonderful" school, and decided that instead of that, they would just make him give a seminar about how suppling boos to underage kids is a crime.... you get the picture.

So I guess I should give my final thoughts on Clarkson. If you like a school that lacks any kind of moral fiber, or one that thinks they are a good school simply because their courses are hard, or if you like a school that has a almost 70% dropout rate, then I say Clarkson is the place for you, and don't worry about having to bring your own boos, we got a bar on campus to make sure you don't get drunk.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Knowing that you found the right one

I am finding out just how nice it is to know that you have found the right one to marry. It is such a good feeling, knowing that you have made the right choice and that your life together will be great.

My entire life I have wanted to find someone that would bring out the best in me. Also I have wanted to be with someone that saw my good points. I know that I do have bad points, tons of them, but being around someone that builds me up is so important. How doesn't want to be with someone that builds you up. And now I have found the one person that does that for me. Lian is so wonderful, she always builds me up, and makes me feel good. Whenever I am around her I feel like being so much better. Things that in the past would upset me, like being late for something and getting stuck in traffic, doesn't bother me at all. I just want to be better whenever I am around her.

It is so nice to finally be with someone that is right.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Okay I have a big secret to tell.....

Okay so it has been a while since I last got up here and posted my life on this place. And I am not sure if anybody really reads this but my family, however, for those of you that are hard core enough to read this, here is an update.

So believe it or not, I am engaged! Yes I know that this will come to a lot of people as a shock, but hey, what do to. So I know that most of you have thought that for the last couple of years I have been single and not been really dating anyone special. Well that is not true. I have been dating someone for over a year now, and we are now engaged.

She is a girl that I met while on my mission, and got the feelings that I should date her. So I have been, and in July I finally popped the question. I can honestly say that she has been the best choice I have every made up to this point in my life. And I get the strong feeling that she will be the best one I ever make.

She is a wonderful girl, and the best part about her is that she loves me, which is a big relief for me let me tell you. While she is not a math lover like me, she still lets me be my mathy self, and keeps my in line. Which is one thing that I really needed. She also tells it like it is, I hate fluffy people. She is also super artistically talented, a thing that I truly lack.She is also very giving and kind to people. And hates to follow the crowd.

I think many of you would want to know how I proposed so here it is. We where in Penang Malaysia, and we were walking down the beach. Well I told her how I felt about her, you know all that mushy, lovey, dovey stuff. And then knelt down in the surf and asked her to marry me. She took a few seconds to answer me, and those where the longest seconds of my life, and then she said yes. I then jumped up, and kisses and hugged her very tightly.

So there you go that is the story. One day soon this blog will give way to a couple blog, maybe eastmeetswest.blogspot?? What do you think?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Back In Malaysia

Well so it might have been a while sense I posted my last blog post, and for all of you who actually look at this, I am sorry. It has been a couple of crazy weeks for me, lots of new adventure and travailing that has kept me up and out. But I need to let everyone know how I am doing, and let you get the new stories with my life.

Right now I am staying in a place called Kangar, Perlis. Which for all you none world geography experts, is in the norther part of West Malaysia. There really is not a whole lot up here, and no I haven't ever served here as a missionary, in fact, there is not church here in Kangar as the majority of the people are Islamic. So why do you ask I am up here, well that is really quite easy to explain. I am here because my host lives up here. Liew Hui Lian and Liew Anthony are two of the best members in the Kuala Lumpur area, and they are letting me stay with them while I am here. And I am very thankful for them to let me come here and stay with them. The only down part to this all is that Kangar is the hottest place in all of Malaysia, the hottest day ever was 40+ degrees centigrade, which is over 100F. And sadly there is no Air con here, so I am finding that I will no longer complain about how hot New York summer is.

But beside that heat, I have found Kangar to be a wonderful place. It is a really small town so there may not be a whole lot to do every day, but it is nice. I mean the pace is so laid back, I often find myself just being able to relax and enjoy the time that I have here.

Thankfully, however, I have also been able to go back to Penang, which was my very first area on my mission. That was super amazing. I had forgotten just how much I loved and missed that place. It is such a beautiful place to be at. It has some of the best beaches that I have ever seen, and it is modern enough that you can feel safe.

Now while the Island is just plain awesome, it is nothing compared to the members of Penang Branch. There are not many of them, only about 60 that are coming every week, but yet they are super strong and just amazing. I was quite surprised to see just how many of the remember me and were happy that I was back.

I was most excited to see that Daniel Ng remembered me. He was such a good member and a great help to all of us missionaries. I remember that for his birthday, the missionaries, took him out to Soul Garden for dinner. that was really fun. He is such a good guy and soo humble. To tell you the truth I would trade half of my branches elders quorum just to have on of him in it. Hmmm I wonder if the church would allow that?

So yes being back here in Malaysia is wonderful and I am looking forward to having many wonderful adventures before I go home. I have gotten to drive on the left side of the road while I have been here, so that was fun. Look for more adventures to come.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tired of being hurt

I am so tired of being hurt by people that say that they care about you. I am not a very open with feelings guy. I have been hurt many times in the past by people that say that they care about me, or claim to be my friends. This has been hard for me to deal with, and I found the best way in dealing with them is to make sure that I don't let my feelings out.

Now while this may seem drastic, it has kept me from getting hurt time and time again. This is one of the reasons why I don't like to date. I have done it a few times, and every time that I have I have been hurt and learned the hard way that when you break up with someone they want revenge on you and try to find ways to hurt you. I never got this either. I have had girls break up with me, and I have not made it a goal in my life to make them feel the pain that I feel. I know that it is a hard enough time for them and that the last thing that they need is someone trying to make their life harder on them.

Once again though I find myself facing this problem. I let my guard down and told a person who I thought I could trust some of my feelings. Sadly they have used these feelings to hurt me. I just don't understand it. Why can I not find someone who will listen to me, and not use my feelings against me. Is that really to hard to ask for? I know many secrets about people, many of the people I know trust me not to tell secrets. But yet while I will listen to them and not share their secrets, it seems like they don't feel that this is a two way street.

In the end I am tired of being used. I am tired of not having a person that I can talk to and just tell me feelings to, without them judging me or spilling my secrets. Does it ever stop?

Friday, May 7, 2010

The great Clarkson and Binghamton debate

So this is my last semester at MCC, and so I have found myself applying to many of the schools that I would like to go to.

Now I have been able to keep up a great G.P.A over my time at MCC, so this has allowed me to choice whatever school I would like to go to, and get into most of them. While this has been a great blessing it has also put me in a very unusual spot.

From the time that I started to apply I have wanted to go to Clarkson University in Potsdam Ny. It is one of the top Engineering schools in the country, and as I want to be a mechanical engineer, I thought this would be a great place to go. So I applied there and to many other schools in New York, on of them being Binghamton. Now Binghamton has a great reputation as a math school. So both of the places are great schools and would be a great place to get an education.

I got into Clarkson and they gave me a very generous scholarship offer, nearly full ride tuition scholarship, I would only have to pay about $4000 a year for school. But they wouldn't take most of my credits. So I thought, well maybe not for me. So then Binghamton came along and told me that they would take all my credits and get almost full ride also, about $2000 a year for school.

So I decided that I would go with Binghamton, but then today I got word from Clarkson. Apparently I am one of their top choices for a transfer student, and to entice me more they are willing to give me another $2000 a year in scholarships!!

So now I don't know what to do. They are both good schools and cost wise are not all that much different, but I just don't know where it is good for me.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Do I work too much?

So today once again I was called into work for extra hours, for another day. Then while I was there someone called in because their friends passed away and they were having a hard time dealing with it. Now I am not upset that he is having a hard time dealing with it. I mean I know that is hard, so whatever. But the problem that I am having is that whenever I get asked to come in, I do, no matter ho tired I am, or how much I need to get done. I just go into work and work.

Right now I am working two jobs and going to school full time. So I manage to stay very busy. In fact I work six days a week, and I would work the seventh, but I take my Sunday's off so I can keep the sabbath holy. So as you see I stay very busy. Then to make it even better I am in charge of Gathering in the Grove this year, so that of course means I still really busy with that, then I just found out that I am going to be a temple worker. Now while I look really forward to working in the temple, I just don't understand why I make my life so busy.

Over the past few days I have been thinking a lot about what I like to do. And I started to remember. I love to play sports, basketball, baseball, cricket and volleyball. I love to camp, back pack, fish and bike. I use to do that a lot when I was younger. I also remember that when I was on my mission I made planes to come home and get into that stuff again, but now all I do is work.

I mean I have great things, so I cannot complain that I don't have any money. and I am able to get tickets out to the mission so that I can be with the people that I miss. So I mean that is nice. But still I wish I could do more fun stuff.

But yet every time I get the call I still head off. I think though that when I go off to school this fall I will not work as hard so that I can do more fun stuff.

On a side note I don't understand people at all. Like at work, we have self check-outs, now I know that they can be aggravating at times and that they don't work as well as anyone would like. I mean not even I don't like them at times. But all the same, just because it doesn't work they way it is suppose to, why in the world do you think that you can do it your way and all of the sudden it will work? I mean where does you logic come from? Then they tell you the best thing, I didn't want to do (entire thing) so I did it my way. I mean what in the world. Sure that is going to work or course I mean you want to do it your way, so of course that will work.

I never get people. So if you read this and are one of those people, well stop please!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sigma Notation!!!

So my entire life I have seen what is called sigma notation. It is used in mathematics to figure out the area under a curve, and I have always wanted to know how to do it. And finally this past week I learned how to use it!!

I was so happy when I finally got yo learn about this notation, that I couldn't get the smile off my face the entire day!! It is so cool. I mean here is the one last thing that I have wanted to know for so long, and I get to find out about it in my first semester of calculus. And the good news is that I have another two semesters of calculus and advanced mathematics!

Math is just so much fun. I mean why would you not like it?

Who I am

Okay so I am tired of facebook and the fact that everyone puts on their post things like when they are off to bed, when they are going to the bathroom, and what type of surgery they need to get that week. So I have decided that I would start a blog in which I could just say what I felt and let people know more about the real me.

I also want to create this blog so that I can let out my inner math and physics geek out, hence the title. And for all of you that don't know, the name of the blog is how you figure out the force of an object on a slope.

So truth be told I am a realy nerd when it comes to math. I have always been really good at it and have been able to stay advanced in it. In fact at my height I was one grade ahead of everyone else in math. Now I find myself in college and I love math even more. To me it is so much fun and is easy and has rules that are followed. There is always one right answer, and the rest are all wrong.

So this blog will mostly be about math, physics, and other sciences related stuff. So if you are not into that kind of stuff, well this blog may not be for you. You have now been warned!!